Lavender Lemon Balm Tea
The sun is like a big glorious yellow bird in the sky, and the blue is marked by small puffy clouds.... I can see the buds on the trees reaching into the sky like arms and I can feel the roots waking up.... Slowly stretching into the ground seeking water from the colossal quantities of rain that have fallen through the month of April.
My mother is visiting from her home close to the ocean. She has made the hour and 10 minute drive from the northern region of MA, here to the place where the eastern part of MA meets the central portion of the state.... We live in the heart of New England, on 5 partially wooded acres...
Today, we have been learning to use the new dehydrator. We weren't sure what to test it on. So we brought out some apples and pears and went out to find the wild growing lemon balm, which we collected and brought in. After much discussion, we opted to save the lemon balm for another time in the dehydrator choosing to focus our efforts on the apples and pears. So some of the excess lemon balm ended up as fresh tea.
A couple good sprigs of fresh Lemon Balm
a few dried lavender but go easy lavender is quite a strong flavor. And if dealing with men or boys it may be best to forgo lavender and opt for rose hips, mint, or something else.
Honey optional.
First wash the fresh lemon balm, then bruise the leaves and stems a bit. Add in a few dried lavender buds. No more than 9 or 10 and honestly 5 or 6 is better. Add a small teaspoon of honey to your cup containing the lemon balm and lavender. Boil water pour it over the herbs in the mug, mix in the honey. Allow tea to steep for a few minutes and enjoy.
It smelled great, and it was truly relaxing and rejuvenating.
Hopefully this recipe finds you well,
But homestead life is busy and I have more I need to get done today.
Thanx for reading
Amanda of Wildflower Farm