Wildflower Farm Is On Goodreads
The nights are long and dark, sometimes the snow is deep. Often I find myself here with a quiet moment by the wood stove, that is when all the homestead work is done or I am just too tired to get up and do more and the fundamentals have been seen to. This is the point I grab a cup of tea, curl up on the sofa and pull out a book or a tablet. Sometimes, a boisterous group of women gathers at my house so we can discuss a shared reading experience. Yes, I run one of those things called a book club. Every so often it gets referenced by my spouse as a “book coven.” I suppose it can seem that way to the uninitiated. We gather and get a bit wild a bit like the Bacchae minus the poor lamb they used to shred yearly up in the mountains drunk. We usually drink tea like grandmas, and discuss the book then trade all kinds of recommendations. We discuss our lives, what is going on in them and all kinds of other subjects. We care very much about each other and this club is very special. Some in it have been part of it now for the last 3 and a half years. Book nerds are my people.
Today, I decided in order to help track what I read better and to get recommendations from other readers I would get Wildflower, a Goodreads account. You too can follow and send a friend request. I may follow you back! I am always looking for interesting material both for the book club and for myself in those quiet moments of homestead cozy. After the sun has gone to sleep, and Luonatar, has risen in the stars where she hangs like a trapeze artist, high up in the night sky. Luonatar, is the Finnish moon goddess. Probably the closest thing to a deity I recognize. The stars her audience, look on in amazement. While I down below, explore the worlds someone else’s built with their imagination and documented in a book. Each time I get to experience something new, different and special. Each time something meaningful.
So feel free to follow along or to send a friend request to me on Goodreads.
Thank you for reading.
Amanda Of Wildflower Farm