The Humming Bird Herb Garden
In the background I hear the tv.... Before I say one more thing and transport you to Wildflower, here with me for a moment... Let me just say... NO JUSTICE NO PEACE! Black Lives Matter. Yes they do. They always have and they always will. It is a disgrace in 2020 that we are having race riots in our streets. It is time to make racism a thing of the past. It truly is vile. Sorry, what do you expect from a New England hippy farmer that grew up in a Buddhist commune, born to a mother who marched for women's lib and a father who marched for civil rights? NO JUSTICE NO PEACE! My heart is on the streets of Minnesota, tonight. Stay safe guys and fight! Don't ever give up.
The air has been heavy lately with wet... Kind of crushing the way it lays on your chest. Little breeze, less air more water. Walking outside today it was as if you were breathing water, or rather choking on it. But it is beautiful outside... A lushness has returned to the trees and the green is overwhelming. I have been working hard in my garden. Putting in the herbs we like to keep. We use them for cooking mostly. If you could follow the pole in the picture below to the top you would find a humming bird feeder. In the tree in back in the background, there is a more standard seed filled feeder. The Humming Bird Herb Garden, is a sanctuary for me.
It is a magical place just out the back door beautiful in mid may especially. The wisteria is blooming and along the side of the house not far away, the lilacs too are blooming. The fragrances mingle with the smell of fresh herbs as I bury them in the soil. In various places in this garden you will find unexpected characters such as Morwen, unexpected visitors, monarch butterflies are almost always about as are humming birds, and robins, and cardinals, and many other beautiful birds. I love sitting out here watching the wild visitors but also watching the goats or geese on the hill in the background...
I love to dig in the dirt. The smell of the dark earth.... The grass and flowers...
Hidden, among these raised beds and beautiful herbs, are secret truths, they seem to sprout from the ground like the living green shoots just beginning to reach towards the sun. Truths, empowered by energies of magical stones... Most everything is done very deliberately to create a place of power and peacefulness. The earth holds court on the back patio of The Humming Bird Herb Garden.
Each day my tiny baby herbs grow larger... it's exciting to watch. I can't wait to eat them. I can't wait to hang up my laundry in amongst the herbs so that the hung cloth might pick up the fragrance of wisteria, lilac, and fresh herbs... This might be my favorite spot on the whole farm, but only so long as the wisteria is blooming.
Thank you for joining me in the garden...
I do miss having guests, but it's still Covid quarantine, and I don't want this disease nor do I want to spread it. We remain closed. It is sad and a little lonely without guests, but I know eventually we will get there.... In the mean time..... We wait.
Stay healthy!
Amanda of Wildflower Farm