It feels like winter... Cold today. Clouds invade the sky, they hang there making a concerted effort to blot out the sun. But she has become too powerful to be muted. She peaks through in breaks between the clouds, fighting the good fight against the white fluffy invaders. She has allied herself with the blue that waits behind every cloud to step to the forefront and make to make itself known. A more valiant ally I can't imagine. But the chill has taken the air. And last night the animal water froze where it lay on the ground. But hope is not lost as this morning it is abundantly clear mud season has begun. And peaking up at me when I went out to feed the outside people were some early flowers. These crocuses sat gazing upward cheering on the sun and her ally the blueness between the clouds.

Tess, one of my special trees, a friendly maple, is starting to sprout little red buds, the earliest sign of coming leaves. She stands straight reaching up to assist the sun in the sky, with Pikku, the great dane at her back sniffing about in the grass oblivious to nature's silent battle to return life to the earth.

It isn't just the crocuses cheering on the sun. The early blooming jonquils offer their yellow hew in an effort to strengthen her so she might finally vanquish the cold in the air. So that life might return to out woods, and barn yard. The jonquils offer the sun their strength gladly and whole heartedly.

Inside the house, I bake beautiful muffins from einkorn flour with blueberries and earl grey tea. Fuel for the war ahead. Later, I will leave one on the rock where I leave all offerings to the fairies of the woods. Hopefully they too will lend the sun their assistance and it won't be long now till mud season will end and the cold will move along carrying the clouds with it. Leaving the sky bright blue and the golden yellow sun glowing, warm, and victorious, calling to all the living things of the earth to rise again. We celebrate this year munching our delicious muffins inside the house where it is warm.

To make these muffins, you will need:
4 cups whole wheat einkorn
3 tea spoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon pink salt
1 earl grey tea bag, crush dry herbs into powder and add to dry ingredients.
1/4 cup dark brown sugar
1/4 cup maple sugar
1 1/3 cups buttermilk
4 tablespoons melted unsalted butter
1/4 cup olive oil
3 large eggs
3 tablespoons honey
Your selected amount of frozen or fresh blue berries, I usually use no less than 1/2 a cup and never more than 1 cup.
To glaze the muffins, you will need:
3 tablespoons wildflower honey
3/4 to 1 cup of confectioners sugar
1 table spoon water.
Play with consistency till you get one you like. Add more sugar if needed and a little more water if needed.
In a large bowl, mix the flour, baking powder, soda, salt, and tea. In a smaller bowl mix the wet ingredients, eggs, butter, honey, buttermilk, sugars, and olive oil. Mix the wets together just as you did with the dry ingredients. Add wet ingredients to dry. Prepare a muffin tray. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Bake for 25ish minutes. take out when ready and allow to cool for 15 minutes. Mix your glaze, and glaze your muffins use the back of a table spoon to press about a tea spoon amount of glaze onto the top of each muffin. Now, it is time to serve and eat. You won't be sorry, these are as glorious as the sun's victory over the cold on a crisp frozen early spring morning.
Thank you for reading
Amanda of Wildflower Farm