The Winter Hearth. Ms. Marple was an avid knitter, perhaps more a knitter untangling a yarn than a detective.

Agatha Christie was an interesting lady. At one point she disappeared and turned up sometime later going by her husband's mistress's name at a hotel. She had a really interesting life one the club encourages everyone to look into. One thing she loved was literature. She enjoyed poetry as she used poems by Tennyson at least twice in her writing career to name her novels and as themes. This book is one of them.

The mirror cracked from side to side,
The curse has come upon me cried
The lady of Shalott.
-The Lady of Shalott by Tennyson

In my opinion one of my favorite of his works. I love this poem. It might be prudent to look it up if you plan to join us and have a read through before and or after you read Agatha's book.

This is a Ms. Marple mystery, one of Agatha's later works (often considered to be the period when she wrote her lesser works, but personal opinion is everything on an issue like that.) Anyway, it takes place on the british country side in an old victorian mansion. An early film star of the black and white era and her husband have purchased and fixed up the place. They hold a party to show the updates they have made off as well as to raise money for the ambulance in the area. Well wouldn't you know, the famous film star hands a guest a Daiquiri, and the guest dies. This brings about many questions including the age old who done it? But also who was the intended victim? and a wide variety of other fabulous questions. Ms. Marple of course can untangle any ball of knitting yarn.... With the help of her nephew, the local doctor and information from witnesses.

We have been riding along with Ms. Marple this month. On the 11th at noon for a stylish british country  tea brunch here at Wildflower, we will be gathering for a daiquiri, some potluck yums, and a discussion of this wonderful read and we will be spending the last few minutes setting the scene for our next adventure into murder mystery land by introducing the next book, In the Woods by Tana French.

If you wish to attend join us on meetup
or bookclubz
Or even on facebook
Anyone will do and RSVP. We try to limit our meetings to a max of 12. It is possible but presently unlikely that you could end up on our waiting list, for after covid is truly and fully dead when we can expand the group beyond 12, or till someone who joined us decides they aren't interested in further meetings and we have a space open within our 12 person limit. Remember at least for now, proof of vaccination is required for attendance so either present it ahead of time or bring it with you to meeting because checking that will be the first order of business.