The Flower Grotto, the meeting place of our women's book club.

Wildflower Farm, is a small self sufficiency homestead farm and B&B in New England. It hosts a women's book club. A small sorority of book loving women who make up the club.

Wildflower Farm Book Club, began June 5th here at Wildflower. This is our memory keeping site, where the club seanchi, gathers our memories and stashes them away so that we might revisit them and smile.

Wildflower Farm Women's Book Club, is a group of women from many different walks of life all bringing their own experiences to our reads and book discussions. We welcome all women, of all colors, sexual preferences, etc... Every woman in this group is fierce and strong. Everyone's opinion is right. Everyone is entitled to their feelings and opinions. Books are subjective works of art. There is no right and wrong. Polite disagreement is totally fine.

Wildflower Farm Women's Book Club, is all about women supporting women, and building each other up. Not about women breaking each other down. That behavior is strictly prohibited. There is enough of that in this world and it destroys the experience of being a woman. This club is here to engage in another way of being. One far too many women in this world have forgotten due to what all of us go through as women.

Here, we let the world out there go. Here, we build up the other members of this book loving sorority, even when we disagree.

This book club is one in which all of us can fully and truly be who we are. Here, we never have to worry about how to dumb ourselves down to appease men, or what the neighbors will think, or anything else equally dumb, demeaning, and imprisoning. It is ok not to smile, no you won't be prettier if you do. And even if you would be who even cares, if it is not true to your mood and to your personal self? No one here will command you to smile as if they have the right to control the expression on your face to make themselves feel better with no concern for what your internal struggles might be.

We are the women who love libraries, books, and adventures and experiences that can only be found between 2 covers or on a tablet.

This group is for those committed to meeting regularly to discuss our shared monthly reading experience. Our reading adventures can be rather eclectic. We tend to do some mysteries, women's fiction, focus on woman authors writing fictional accounts of women's experiences, historical fiction, fantasy, classics, the occasional biography or non fiction, or science fiction, and more.

We are the adventurers, who traverse this vast universe. We seek the first star to the right, in a space boat that looks like the claw foot bath tub that once crossed the English channel. Our worthy vessel running on fairy dust, the poems of Tennyson, and the good will of the Egyptian goddess Seshat, is made from the shell of a book. We pioneer our way through each new quest, crossing the unnumbered seas of the imagination. Weathering the storms as we venture together, anywhere a book can take us.

"May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out."- Galadriel, Is the quote at the foundation of this book club.

Our rules:

No Karens allowed. (As in easily offended often racist and or homophobic, whiners complaining about profanity, weed use, and a little alcohol. Women who seek and put in unbelievable amounts of effort searching for reasons to be offended.) This is a book club.  You will be happier as part of a religious group or a creepy temperance society.

Don't be an asshole. Don't try to be offensive. Think about how you want your ideas discussed and discuss the ideas of others the thoughts and feelings of others accordingly. Racism and homophobia both, fall under being a Karen, and being an asshole, interesting how that works.... Make an effort to be courteous, kind, and understanding. No one accomplishes this rule to perfection all the time. The rule is do your human best always.

Try to read the book, failure is fine. We all fail sometimes and someone who hasn't read the book can offer perspective from an outsider's perspective which can be an interesting thing sometimes. Do your best though.

MUST BE FULLY VACCINATED AND PROVIDE PROOF to attend our meetings. This is NOT optional nor is it negotiable.

Conspiracy theories are dumb.

Science rocks.

Loving dogs is mandatory, loving cats is optional.

A list of all our pages: (where we often collect new members) (for official business) (for unofficial in between chatting comparing notes recommending other reads, etc...) (where the club seanchi keeps our memories and adventures in the form of a book club blog.) (our more official facebook page is connected to the group.)