Red Moon

What is this? This giant floating red blob in a sea of blackness? you wouldn't believe me if I told you. All the same I will tell you. Because I am frightened and angry. My fear tastes like the unending unbreathable humidity that is suffocating my lungs every time I step outside my front door so far this month. It tastes like thunder, and lightning, and 90 plus temperatures every day for over a month an hour from Boston, a place in the NORTH east. If we get much more north we can sea the aurora borealis for the sake of the Fairy Queen. It isn't supposed to be be this hot this far north for this long. This isn't normal. Life as we know it is beginning to crash down around us. And when it does, and as it does, my way of life crashes with it. Some of us, still live lives based on the four legged chair each leg being a foundation of something fundimental to this way of life. Climate that dictates nature, science, and dependence on one another and hard work, are the core foundations of homesteading. You pull one out the chair will be rickety but it may not all together collapse. Homesteads, are only as strong and healthy as the planet we live on. The most important leg is climate dictated nature. If you pull that leg out, the whole way of life collapses.

Red Moon

These pictures, are photos I took from just outside my side door. They are images of the sky last night. They are photos of the moon. And though it translated poorly to these photos the fact remains last night the smog in the air from the west coast where everything is burning, thousands and thousands of acres... The smog from those fires is finding it's way here. It is screwing up our weather. It is destroying our air quality. It is literally turning the god damn moon red. There was an unexpected sudden massive light show. The air was acrid and toxic. The thunder and rain were literally created by fires on the other side of the country. Houston we have a problem! The air is unbreathable here this last month. Absolutely suffocating. The smog literally changed the color of the moon and caused a thunderstorm. Yet, evidently no warning from Mr. Baker, about toxic levels of pollution. Amazing how sometimes we get such warnings. But not when it is so bad the moon is literally red and the smog pours down into our gardens as rain. What? They don't want to scare anyone by telling them the truth? The truth that this situation is FAR more serious and dire than we realize.

Red Moon

This is dangerous. I don't see how the human race can safely continue in smog so thick the moon is red. Let's look for example at what causes birth defects such as autism. It isn't vaccines we should live in fear of. It is smog so thick it turns the moon red. And this is how it was out in the sticks an hour from Boston. Imagine what it must have been like to try to breathe down town last night. I am almost afraid to turn on my tv. I worry I will hear about the people who died of toxic smog poisoning. I am even more worried that I won't. Because as long as I don't the severity of this situation will continue. No changes will be made. Wealthy people living as far from nature as they can get will continue to destroy what some of us depend on. Bezos, went to space. He learned nothing. Except that he wants to protect the earth by moving a bunch of pollution and junk to the moon. The issue isn't limited to planet earth. It is entirely systemic. We must protect the whole system in order to protect any part of it. But sure let's talk about Bezos's plan. He wants mine on the moon. Which could and inevitably will lead to destability of it. Clearly he doesn't know the most foundational thing about the moon, which is that it is responsible for the tides. What happens when our oceans respond and they will to his moving pollution and mining and destabilizing the moon? Moving these things isn't a solution. It is a red herring. We MUST fundimentally change the way we are living if we want a future for our children. Look at that sweet old Grandpa Biden, on facebook every day telling us how many jobs he created as if this were still 1990 and we just had a major economic collapse. His heart is totally in the right place. His brain however.... yeh, not so much. Why work? To support your family so they have a future? To put food on the table so your kids will grow up big and strong? To pay for college for your children? Why bother? Either they starve now or they die a horrific death later due to climate catastrophy. Your children have no future. I am running for nothing. So I get to tell the truth. You work to waste time so you can pretend the end isn't coming with it's red moons, and suffocating air quality. You work and want jobs jobs jobs, so you can pretend what is happening isn't happening. Stop looking away. You have made a terrible mess. And lives depend on you fixing things immediately. Here are some facts about hitting a climate tipping point. We are there. We may have 5 years or so left to fix it. And you voted for jobs over your children's future and lives and long term welfare.

Last night, I took photos because I didn't recognize what planet I was on anymore. I went outside and breathed in the smog to show this to you. Risked suffocation. because this is more important than me. It is more important than anything else. More important than Joe's jobs, more important than your kid's college fund. More important than your kid. No one's kid has a chance in hell as long as this continues. Last night, I couldn't tell this was my home on planet earth when I looked up at the stinking moon and the smog had literally turned it red. It is time to tell Joe, to keep his jobs. It is time to tell Bezos, to do something useful with his money and to start passing legislation to keep him far away from the moon. It is time to start protecting our water. Time to cut our foot prints. Time to get serious or we will all be living on an inhospitable planet that we don't recognize and where we and our children have no future. Who wants to work their last days on the planet away anyway, with some boss like Bezos bitching at them? Aren't there more important and more fun and interesting things you would like to do with what time we have left? before it's all gone. Because it will be gone. My God, the moon was literally red last night, the temperature and storms were like nothing I had seen before. Even the sound of the thunder wasn't right or normal. I know what I am saying is scary. What is scarier is you ignoring it. I love my way of life. I need the climate and nature to be ok to continue living the way I love living. I need you to change. We are all here trying to change the planet change industry.... Well I am not. I don't think that accomplishes anything. It hasn't so far and we been at it for a over a generation now. Instead, I am trying to change your mind. Because if you demand it we will get it. If we you don't demand it and even command it, we are living the zombie apocalypse right now as every one of us is the walking dead.

Please, call your senator.
Then call again and again and again.
Pick up your phone call the white house. Don't stop calling till there is change.
Call your local representative.
Take pictures like these. Post them on the web.
Make this impossible to ignore.
Change your foot print.
Take actions today that will protect tomorrow.
Do not under any circumstances do anything violent as it accomplishes nothing.
But don't stop calling, writing letters, taking pictures and sharing them until Joe, stops whining about jobs jobs jobs, and starts whining about the continued survival of all life on a planet that grows more unrecognizable now by the day.
Thank you for reading about the red moon.
Thank you for listening.
Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you are my last hope.
Because the politicians sure aren't doing much.
Amanda of Wildflower Farm