The Captain Cobb House, is a museum that is kept and managed by the historical society of Brewster MA. it is operated by a force very dedicated volunteers. The objects in the house, were donated largely by families and private owners of the chapter of our American history commonly referenced as Maritime. These kind people, understand that history belongs to all of us. So they parted in some cases, with precious family artifacts passed down for generations from the old days, of cupolas on the roofs of houses (little glass rooms,) and widows walks, where women would watch for the return of their sea faring husbands. The Wildflower Farm Book Club, felt beyond welcome when we entered Captain Cobb House. We felt as if we were entering the book Ahab's Wife, by Sena Jeter Naslund, that we had just finished. We would like to thank those who have donated to this museum, the wonderful knowledgeable volunteers, and the historical society for making this place available to us so that this month's book could come so much more to life than we ever dreamed possible. Thank you all so very very much... It was an education you gave us. We appreciate the time and the artifacts you have all put in, more than we can possibly ever express.
I thought I would start by showing some photos of the clothing from the era and the textiles. The Heroine of Ahab's Wife, made her living as a seamstress. In an era in which women had no independence, she was independent using the tools of a woman, she obliterated the barriers that kept her from searching and finding her own fulfillment in life. Captain Cobb House, had some beautiful examples of the textiles of the era.

Captain Cobb House, chronicles a time in Maritime history from the mid 1700s through the 1800s. Our book took place in the 1800s. Captain Cobb's first command was aboard the ship, Jane. Over his life time he would captain several others as well. He is the most famous sea captain of this adorable little bay side town that sits in the bend in the arm of the peninsula that is Cape Cod. Captain Cob, had many wild adventures... Which the Captain Cobb House volunteers, are better able to discuss than I am. When Captain Cobb, passed, the house was passed on through the family for some time. Today, I do believe it is the property of the Brewster Historical society. This is a wonderful museum to go to to learn about maritime history and the history of this region.

The portraits and art are truly exquisite.

The detail from this time period I think might be what was most impressive. Every object created and used was designed and crafted for longevity and in excessive detail. Each object was an art piece.

I would love to share this museum with anyone and everyone because it really is such an amazing place... But I feel I should stop here, as I don't want to spoil it for anyone, by over sharing. I can not recommend this place enough. it was highly relevant to our book of the month, highly informative, and absolutely beautiful with very nice people who shared the history and information contained with the greatest of exuberance and joy at being able to share this chapter of history with the world.
In addition, to this history, there was a room dedicated to the summer camps of Cape Cod. That was a fabulous exhibit also though not at all relevant to our book the reason we made our pilgrimage to Cape Cod, as close to Nantucket as we could get. It also has a beautiful old exhibit on native american tools and objects found in the region. There was also a small exhibit on the life one might find in the tide pools or out on the sand flats, as well as a small exhibit on Helen Keller. But what might have been the most impressive thing for all of us in the book club, was the old doll house. The kind of toy the heroine of our book might have had made for her own children. The detail was absolutely amazing. I have never seen anything quite like it.

I could go on forever... But as I said, I really don't want to ruin this for anyone by over sharing. If you are ever in Brewster Cape Cod, go check out Captain Cobb House, you won't be sorry.
Thank you to the Captain Cobb House, the volunteers, historical society, and the donators.
You all gave this book club the most amazing and immersive experience and a far better understanding of our monthly book. We will be forever grateful.
Thank you to my readers, I can't encourage you harder to go check out the Captain Cobb House, it is totally worth it on a rainy afternoon down the cape.
Thank you for reading.
Amanda of Wildflower Farm