The Accumulated Farm Wealth

The sky is a beautiful shade of blue today. Held up on the skeletal arms of our woods. The ground is still barren, as if winter were still hanging on.…

Hope In The Greenhouse

The future of our lives and of our world is what we plant right now. Starting a garden is always an act of hope, and of defiance. Hope of a…

Running Late

It was not warm today. It was warmer than it has been of late. It was wet, the fog, the pride of New England, rising off the gradually fading snow…

Homestead Planning

I suspect, the most important thing I do on my homestead is to plan. Not so much the blue print of the farm, as in where to put what on…

We Were Promised Snow

People often assume… That living out where there be dragons on the map, means life is highly uneventful. They ask what do I do with myself all day? Or, do…

The Important Things

The air has had a nasty bitter bite and the wind has lashed all day long, making the sharp, hibernal air feel like a blade scratching the skin. It was…


This is the road to Wildflower Farm. It is my road home. For how long is anyone’s guess. It has been 11 years thus far. Home, is a strange thing……

New Growth

The wind whipped the trees all day. Reminding me of the colossal power of nature. It forced the trees to bend, and bough. The wind sounded a bit like a…

Hope And Light On A Dark Winter's Night

“May You Never Be Too Grown Up To Search The Skies On Christmas Eve.”-Unknown Over the Christmas holiday, Dr. Farmer Moomin, and I go driving, an exciting event for me…

This Year's Gingerbread Cookies

This seems to be my time to write. My time for me. It is becoming a standard part of my existence. Truth is, I am not a morning person. I…

Wildflower Farm Is On Goodreads

The nights are long and dark, sometimes the snow is deep. Often I find myself here with a quiet moment by the wood stove, that is when all the homestead…

How Hard Is Homesteading?

“Just roll up your sleeves, homesteading makes everything free and takes almost nothing!”  That is the message you get if you read the books on homesteading. They tell you about…
