
Oh Christmas Tree!

Yesterday, we began gathering everything to enjoy a really beautiful holiday. This little B&B lends itself beautifully to an old fashioned and rustic primitive christmas.…


Homestead Rosemary Caramel, A Thanksgiving Treat

The cold has begun to scream and bite. Today, there was the gloom of snow. Dare I say it felt a bit like the sky…


Nakke Nakuttaja's House

Today, the sky is blue with puffy clouds. But it was only a couple days ago now, that I looked up to see the winter…


Wildflower Farm Christmas Holiday Month Plan And Schedule

November 26th 8 pm Nightmare Before Christmas


"Children and Jimmy Carter ruin your best laid plans." -Tina Fay

Today was a day of ruined plans… It began last night with my cast iron frying pan. Dr. Farmer Moomin, used it to produce a…


Soft Baked Vegan Triple Vanilla Cookies A kitchen creation of Wildflower Farm

Our most recent set of guests have left us… And we will miss them. They were so interesting to talk to. I wish they had…


Nakke Nakuttaja or Woody Wood Pecker

The last week or so I have been listening to tapping coming from inside the walls or outside the house. I wasn’t sure what I…


Who Likes Pie?

Winter’s Holly King, can be felt now in the air… The days grow shorter with each passing day. The sky is already dark. A chill…


Molasses Cookies To Celebrate One of the Oddest Historical Events Ever

The book club met yesterday. We had an unbelievably fabulous time as usual. I made these cookies to celebrate an event in Boston’s history that…


Visiting Pete

I thought I would introduce Mr. Pete today… He is a Canadian, with warm blood. Pete, sometimes known as PPP, (Perfect Prince Pete,) is very…


Preparing For Autumn

Autumn is coming quickly, I can see it everywhere now. it is possible to breathe it right in outside. The local orchards spread the apple…


Wildflower Farm's Whole Wheat Cinnamon Corn Bread

I don’t keep a diary. I keep a homesteading grimoire, and this little blog is it. I keep it for myself more than for anyone…
