In my spare time here at Wildflower, I create and make things. I am not professional of course. I am a homesteader just doing my best. Which means these, like most of my knit work, are not perfect. Often I knit late at night when I have time, usually I am half asleep. There is something relaxing, meditative, and almost hypnotic about slowly pressing the treadle as the wheel goes round and the wool takes shape under the guidance of your fingers. Then, the knitting, such a simple process when it is a simple pattern… So restful after a long day of farm chores.  Much of my knit work winds up as gifts, or is worn by myself, or members of my family. Sometimes I offer in this shop, something I managed to make with no future destination in mind. Doing this, helps me pay for things like goat feed and seeds that produce the vegetables we eat that I start in the greenhouse. Of course this shop does not fully fund the homestead, but every little bit helps. By buying from this site, you help feed the chickens and the goats. You help me afford the things that keep this homestead running and an adventure. I am truly grateful for your support.

What do you think of the alpaca edge substitution? I ran out of the other yarn….
Trying to model these and photograph them on my hands at the same time is actually maddening.

These fingerless mittens, are rustic, imperfect, unique, one of a kind and handmade. The wool I picked up locally. It is from sheep. It was then dyed pretty bright colors. Then I got to work on it with help from my trusty spinning wheel, Satu. Satu, and I worked together for quite a number of hours first spinning one bobbin of wool into yarn, then a second. Then, we spun them together, into a simple double ply multi colored yarn. I must confess these are rustic. Spinning is something I am still trying to get good at. I grew from practicing for the hours it took me to create the less than even, imperfect yarn for these mittens. Which again, makes it that much more natural, homespun, and somehow wholesome in appearance. After that, several hours were spent knitting this hand spun yarn into little mitts without fingers. I put a thumb hole in each quixotic mitt. One of them ends in some other natural hand spun alpaca wool yarn. I ran out of my original colorful wool. This makes these even more unique and even more of a homestead creation. Homesteaders often throw together a bit of this and a bit of that to create something with a purpose. We do it when we build stuff in the farm yard, we do it when we cook. We are always substituting something for something else to create the things we make. So in that respect these have a deeply homestead look. No one else has these little mitts, and no one else ever will have these exact mitts. They are unique and completely hand made. These can’t be bought anywhere and everywhere, they are not mass produced. They are time, labor and a lot of love, from me and my homestead, to you.

Handmade homespun fingerless mittens.

I took a number of photos, which was hard given that I was also trying to model these mitts at the same time. Hard to both model with your hands and press the button on the camera at the same time.

A work in progress.

In spots, these mittens take on an almost lacework look and vibe due to the uneveness of the yarn as well as the weight of the yarn and the needle size. I tried to knit tight to make them as warm as possible. They actually are surprisingly warm given this factor. If you look carefully, you will find an error or two in my knitting from where I fell asleep working, exhausted from a long day of homesteading chores.

Completed Fingerl;ess Mittens

These are a piece of Wildflower Farm, a piece of the enchantment that every day molds me into a better version of myself. They are a piece of my time and my life. They are simple, imperfect, humble, and handmade. they don’t match, yet somehow there is a brightness and glowing whimsy that warms the heart. I hope they can offer you some of Wildflower Farm’s magic that brings out the best version of yourself, and that they bring you joy, and good luck.

A bobbin of yarn for this project that will get spun together with a second bobbin of single ply from this fiber, into two ply yarn.

Thank you so much for supporting my little homestead farm.
All my love
Amanda Of Wildflower Farm