Red Moon

What is this? This giant floating red blob in a sea of blackness? you wouldn’t believe me if I told you. All the same I will tell you. Because I…

Pikku, The Dog Has An Ear Infection

Pikku, the dog, is a bit of a handful. Partly just because she is huge. Partly because she is all sass and teenage doggy angst. Very sweet, good heart but…

Look who came to wish me a happy birthday!

The weather is still off stinking… I can’t believe it. I have never seen a July this ugly. The humidity is absolutely suffocating…. It is sort of raining… I have…

My Contribution To Book Club

This morning, was a book club brunch tea meeting. For which I made baked pear. This is so simple. The only tough part is scooping it out to create the…

One of The Goats Being Silly

One thing is guaranteed, when you keep goats.  They are endlessly searching for a way out of their enclosure. Endlessly putting in a concerted effort to even invent one. Here,…

A Butterfly's Meditation

The air is heavy outside, making it hard to get proper air into your lungs. But it smells of freshly cut grass and flowers, and even in some places in…

Evening In The Flower Grotto

Yesterday, I spoke about one of my favorite spaces to hang out outside. The Flower Grotto. When it is warm enough, I like to light the citronella candles, and hang…

Lady Spring, The Lady Of The Forest

The grey hangs in the air today. But the trees are whispering in the woods. They speak of a lady in a bright leaf green dress, with flowing hair the…

Sunday Breakfast Mixes

This morning I walked the yard. I could see the trees dancing as the wind whirred past my ear, speaking of coming thunder and rain. The air smelled of the…

Eastern White Pine

The sun hides it’s face today behind the grey that has temporarily taken over the sky. It is a November day in the middle of April. A small set back…

Celebrating Spring

It feels like winter… Cold today. Clouds invade the sky, they hang there making a concerted effort to blot out the sun. But she has become too powerful to be…

Reinventing Self Care

Tooth Powder Tooth Paste left, mouth wash center, minty sugar lip scrub right. The wind is whipping the leaves around like wild dancers in the air on an invisible ball…

Did You Miss Me?

Well, that was some time. I have missed this blog. We had some technical glitches that Dr. Farmer Moomin, doesn’t often have time to fix for me. Plus, writing about…
