This morning I walked the yard. I could see the trees dancing as the wind whirred past my ear, speaking of coming thunder and rain. The air smelled of the…
It feels like winter… Cold today. Clouds invade the sky, they hang there making a concerted effort to blot out the sun. But she has become too powerful to be…
Tooth Powder Tooth Paste left, mouth wash center, minty sugar lip scrub right. The wind is whipping the leaves around like wild dancers in the air on an invisible ball…
Well, that was some time. I have missed this blog. We had some technical glitches that Dr. Farmer Moomin, doesn’t often have time to fix for me. Plus, writing about…
The early august heat has become unbearable, and the air is so humid it is actually suffocating…. But in the ultra hot almost unbreathable air that burns as it enters…
The sunlight spills in to spite the cloudiness of the sky in the kitchen today. All kinds of fun and interesting things happen in the Wildflower kitchen. Things get canned,…
The grass tickles my bare feet, usually I hang out bare foot outside in the magical gardens of Wildflower Farm. I have shown off The Humming Bird Herb Garden, already….…
Just sitting here after the rain… Alone, with the smell of apples, molasses, maple sugar, and cinnamon, wafting through the house, getting caught in the air bubbles of the old…