
Update on Vanilla Extract

The mist is thick, as we are not an intervale farm, sitting up high on ridge in the foot hills not far from Wachusett Mountain.…


One of the most important parts of farming and homesteading is organization. This pot rack ran us $110. It’s a bit of a DIY.  These…


A Sweater For Winter

The hearth of the home is a special place. Especially here. The whole house revolves around the hearth. That is simply the lay out. I…


A Trip To Maine

  The darkness of the night rides on the back of the New England mist, as it rolls in as a thick veil of fog.…


Homemade Vanilla Extract

It is a lovely day here at Wildflower, the weather is nice not too cold, we have wispy clouds, and  sunshine, and it feels like…


A Farewell To Christmas

It’s perhaps my least  favorite day of the year. Outside I smell rain slicked ice and the damp NE cold. Inside I smell a that…


A Little Photo From This Morning

It’s been one of those days….. My dogs climbing me all day like some sort of woman shaped jungle gym. They step in every  tender…


Cinnamon Rolls Christmas Brunch

Today, I am the matriarch of the house…. But  as a child, it  was my mum who filled the roll I fill now. Every Christmas…


Christmas In Little Berlin

We settled in a small farming town about a  year after moving back to the US. First we lived in an apartment in Arlington, but…


Finnish Ham from Savo

My husband and I have very different Christmas traditions because we come from opposite sides of the great Atlantic Pond. As should be wicked clear…


Declaring Christmas Peace

Finland, where my husband is from, has an unbroken tradition that goes back centuries. Every Christmas Eve, peace is declared. Until then the festivities don’t…


Let The Festival Of Lights Begin!

In here, the glow of the wood stove causes a warm almost gooey, cozy feeling. The lights are low and though the night is young,…
